Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Report from America

After yesterday's report of 89 lives saved during
this fall's 40 Days for Life, more success stories
have flooded in from across North America over the
last 24 hours bringing the total now up to 113!!

Here are a few of the latest victories...

New 2007 abortion statistics just came out for North
Carolina. Overall, abortions in the state showed a
very slight decline. But in Mecklenburg County, in
which Charlotte is located, abortions went down 17
percent! What made the difference?

"Charlotte conducted two 40 Days for Life campaigns
in 2007," said Andrea Hines, the local campaign
coordinator, "our first in the spring and then we
participated as part of the first national campaign
in the fall. There were several factors contributing
to the reduction, but the two 40 Days for Life
campaigns definitely had a significant impact."

Andrea said she's eager to see how abortion rates are
affected in other cities that have participated in 40
Days for Life, especially for other communities that
have conducted multiple campaigns.

Charlotte is just one of many cities seeing a
profound impact. "The 40 Days for Life campaign has
affected so many people in our land," said Colleen
Samson, the local coordinator in Fargo, North Dakota.
"All of us will be changed forever."

Colleen reports that Bishop Samuel Aquila of the
Catholic diocese of Fargo gave an inspiring sermon at
his cathedral at the start of 40 Days for Life, then
led 900 people on a march to the abortion facility --
the only one remaining in the state of North Dakota.

There are no abortion clinics in the Catholic diocese
of Bismarck, which covers the western half of North
Dakota, but people there are being encouraged to pray
in solidarity with the effort in Fargo, and pastors
from all denominations are supporting the 40 Days for
Life campaign.

"Truly, God is moving magnificently and powerfully in
the land," Colleen said.

The effect is being felt in many ways.

A young woman in Fort Wayne, Indiana was on her way
to the clinic for her pre-abortion "counseling"
appointment. As she drove, she saw two of the "pray
and fast to end abortion" signs in people's yards.

At that point, she knew she could not go through with
the abortion. She turned around, and went home. How
do we know? The young woman's mother told a friend,
who told another friend -- who told one of the local
40 Days for Life coordinators.

"Tell everyone that God has blessed us with yet
another baby saved!" writes Joellyn in Minnesota. "I
went to Planned Parenthood and God allowed me to
assist a woman who is seven weeks pregnant. We just
go out, speak the truth and leave the results to God.
He is working miracles all over!"

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