Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ground Zero Report - Day 30 [10.23]

I must say, this morning at the mill was tough. There was an African couple and the woman looked to be around 5 months pregnant! Her belly protruded so much and I was shocked when she went in. They took the information, but they didn't talk to me. Every abortion is horrific, but there is something about knowing the tremendous pain that this little child will go through because of his/her size...and the horror this mom will face for years after delivering a dead baby. I can't imagine how she is going to feel as she walks out of the mill, womb empty, her stomach visibly smaller and knowing her little one will never see the light of day. She will never forget her child, and I can't imagine how that must feel. All of these mothers are forever separated from their children...Let us pray hard for these parents. "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do." - Nicole


At Holy Family church in Hanover, Ontario we are doing a daily holy hour in support of the 40 Days for Life in Ottawa as well as other cities. These Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament are held at 3-4am as well as 3-4 pm. We have had good turnout. These hours were picked as they are the Divine Mercy Hour, 3:00 when Christ died on the cross for us. We pray for an end to abortion and for mercy on our country. Would you be able to give us an update of any babies saved at the Morgentaler abortuary? We would publish them in the Sunday bulletin encouraging more people to come and pray for this cause. Even though we are not physically present with you, we are there in mind , spirit and prayer. - Helen W.


Lifer said...


What you witnessed today at the mill is horrific. I felt a pit in my stomach as I read your post. I am currently in my 5th month of pregnancy. Only a short month ago we went for an ultrasound where we found out we were having a boy. We saw his beating heart, his small feet and hands, all his working organs, everything was there at 4 months. Today I went to the doctor's and heard my little boy's heart beat. I feel him kick and move on a daily basis, in fact he is big enough now that you can see my stomach move as he moves. At 25 weeks there is a living child inside me, who even has a daily time schedule of when he is quiet and when he is active. Although I have yet to meet my son outside the womb, I can't now imagine my life without him. I have felt him, watched him and heard the beat of his heart. I am so blessed and I pray everyday that these women choose to experience this blessing as well."

- Via Ashley

Ola said...

I read on PP website that the clinic does abortions until the 17th week. Maybe they didn't perform one on the woman...