Thursday, October 23, 2008

Never Too Late To Stop the Killing

The 40 Days for Life Campaign has passed the 30 day mark. Our prayers and sacrifices have produced tangible results, by the grace of God - not only in terms of saving the lives of unborn children, but also bearing witness to the public at large who have been surprisingly and overwhelmingly supportive. Even the early morning crew from 12-4AM have stories to share, and their witness is even more powerful when there are few people around to notice.

And so now we turn to the abortion workers at the Abortion Mill, from the abortionist himself who is actually doing the killing to the "abortion counsellor" to the manager, Ms. Joan Wright.

All of us here at 40 Days for Life have a simple invitation to all of you:


Just get up from your chairs. Drop your instruments. Walk out the door. Come across the street to meet us. Let us pray with you. Let us help you find true freedom that only God can give you. Come, find mercy and forgiveness.

You can be free from all the guilt and the weight of sin on your conscience. Listen to that still, small voice. You know that what you are doing is very wrong. God can forgive you of everything you've done so that your sins might be as white as snow. But you must ask. You must make that first step.

We're here with open arms. It's never too late. Yes, God can be that loving and merciful. Just think...all the abortions you've ever committed or counselled...all the pain and suffering inflicted on your victims...can be forgiven.

Walk away and never look back.


No person, no matter how "enmeshed in vice, ensnared by the allurements of pleasure, a captive in exile… fixed in mire… distracted by busyness, afflicted with sorrow… and counted with those who go down into hell—every soul, I say, standing thus under condemnation and without hope, has the power to turn and find it can not only breath the fresh air of the hope of pardon and mercy, but also dare to aspire to the nuptials of the Word." — St. Bernard of Clarivaux

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