Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Report from America - Day 21

Does God still offer signs and wonders in our present
day? Some people say He doesn't do that sort of thing
any more. Or does He?

Back in January, I posted a short video on YouTube
that I had taken during the March for Life in
Washington, DC:


It was a cloudy day... until the very end of the
march when the sun came out and a rainbow appeared
over the Supreme Court building. I -- and many others
in attendance -- saw this rainbow as a sign of hope
that God was watching over and blessing our efforts.

Earlier during this fall's 40 Days for Life campaign,
I shared with you the story of John and his family,
who were driving through a pouring rain to pray at an
abortion facility in Methuen, Massachusetts. When
they got to the abortion center, the rain stopped --
and a rainbow appeared.

Would you believe we now have two more rainbow
reports from 40 Days for Life vigils?

In Southfield, Michigan, Bishop John Quinn was going
to join the 40 Days for Life team for a rally. When
the bishop arrived about 15 minutes before the start
of the event, it was pouring.

"We brought an umbrella over to him but he said that
the Lord would stop the rain for us," said one member
of the local team. "Sure enough, five minutes prior
to start time the rain cleared up and a huge rainbow
came out -- a sure sign from God."

Sue reports the 40 Days for Life team in Birmingham,
Alabama had a particularly rough day recently. "We
were present at Planned Parenthood while so many
children were being aborted," she said, "while the
Planned Parenthood employees laughed and mocked our
people." She said the team really struggled under a
very oppressive weight all day.

The next day, however, Ed -- another member of the
local 40 Days for Life team -- saw something that
restored his hope. "It was a beautiful rainbow. After
feeling so overwhelmed the previous day and praying
almost constantly for hope and an increase of peace,
this beautiful rainbow showed me the way home."

God can show us what is beautiful -- and He can also
show us what is ugly.

Janet notes that while she was praying in front of a
Planned Parenthood location during 40 Days for Life
last fall, landscapers planted some tall shrubs in
front of the building. One of the people she was
praying with took note -- "How ironic. Those plants
are arborvitae, which means tree of life."

"One of the first things I noticed this fall when I
first prayed at Planned Parenthood was that all of
those evergreen trees were dead -- brown as brown can
be," Janet said.

She added, "I marvel at God's sense of humor. All the
other landscaping looks just as it did last year. But
arborvitae can't thrive at Planned Parenthood!" A few
days later, a man with an ax came and chopped down
the dead trees and hauled them away. "What a metaphor
for all that Planned Parenthood stands for!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yesterday morning I read the beautiful daily reflection about the rainbows. I had gone home to the Cornwall-area for Thanksgiving and my mom was driving me back to Ottawa. We were heading to Ground Zero first to pray. Unfortunately, as soon as we hit the highway it started to rain and we had not brought jackets. No sooner had we shrugged off the rain and resigned ourselves to get soaked when it stopped and a large bright rainbow filled the sky. Not a drop fell the rest of the day. God is amazing! -Megan