Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Like A Rock

So last night I ventured out to Ground Zero. The blowing snow was very violent. Around midnight, there were about 5 people there, even though it was fit neither for man nor beast. Pedestrian traffic was decidedly reduced, understandably. So, for the most part, it was mostly a spiritual exercise since there wasn't much witnessing going on. I couldn't help but recognize the symmetry between the storm we were experiencing in the flesh with the storm happening in the Spirit.

There we were...the five of us in the freezing cold with the snow and wind bearing down on us. What fools we must look like out there when no one would see. No publicity, no passerbys, no TV cameras or reporters. Alone in the dead of night being pummelled by the inclement weather. Fools indeed. But better to be fools for Christ than the fools of this age.

I shifted from side to side so I could deflect some of the wind and cold. But there was one older gentleman behind me that wasn't even flinching.

"Man", I thought to myself, "this guy is tough".

As the hour went on, I would look back once in a while and still, the man, had not moved one inch. Not even a twitch. I had a tuque on. He had a hat and his ears were uncovered. And still he stood there motionless like a rock despite the vicious weather hammering down on us.

Like a rock.

As I reflected on that a bit, I thought of Jesus' words:

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. (Matthew 16:18)
This little scene was emblematic of our greater struggle. Despite everything Hell throws at the Church, it will not be overcome. It will stand and not fall. Just like the man yesterday who didn't so much as blink at the sharp snow piercing his face.

Solid like a rock.

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