Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ground Zero Report - Day 12 [10.05]

I was at the 6-8 pm time slot at the vigil and became a little concerned when we were down to two people by 7 pm. However, a young man of bout 19 years came roaring down Bank Street on his skate board and stopped to talk to us. He asked us if we were the 40 Days for Life which he had heard some talk about. I told him about the campaign and then asked where he was from. He said Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church which is on Somerset Street. I then invited him to stay and pray with us and he graciously stayed for 15 minutes carrying one of signs and taking part in silent prayer. Before he left, he asked if the three of us could pray together so we held hands and he said some beautiful words of encouragement as well as called upon God to bless this campaign and what it represents. I felt honored and priviledged to have this young man of great faith lead us into a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving, love and hope . I hope he will come back and bring some of his friends! - Sue

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