Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gound Zero Report - Day 36 [10.29]

It was a very cold down at ground Zero this morning. When I arrived at 8:30 Maggie from Saint Mary's was praying and had been for some time The councillor was already handing out pamphlets across the street. Within the next hour, 4 or 5 more prayer warriors arrived . Jennifer wasn't on the schedule but decided to drop by for a couple of hours as well. Around 11:20 Jen and I took a short break at 240 Sparks to warm up and recharge our batteries The councillor dropped by to talk with for a short while and told us how it just breaks her heart to see these women so often pressured into having abortions and often it is the woman's mother ( the baby's grandmother) who is doing the pressuring. How can this be I thought.
When we returned to pray the numbers were dwindling. We were unable to leave at noon as planned because by then we were alone. Jennifer stayed with me as long as possible but she had an appointment to keep at 1PM so she had to leave by 12:20 Since I was unable to leave because I was by myself , I decided pray to my guardian angel and ask him to send someone to take my place . Within 10 minutes he sent me this wonderful young man and seeing how cold I was David insisted that I go home and he would stay on until someone came by no matter how long it took. David MacDonald wasn't on the schedule today but just decided to stop by after work. Thank you David ( and to my guardian angel) I was just so happy to see you! I want to thank all those courageous and faithful souls who come out to pray day after day. God bless you all!
- Maureen W.

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