Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Report from America - Day 28

The focus of many of these daily messages has been
prayer and fasting, as well as the constant vigils
which are being held outside the doors of abortion
facilities -- things that are central to the 40 Days
for Life effort.

But there's a third component of a 40 Days for Life
campaign as well -- grassroots community outreach,
especially through door-to-door advocacy.

This requires stepping outside one's comfort zone,
but it's an effort that has contributed significantly
to bringing pro-life concerns to the forefront in a
number of communities.

In College Station, Texas -- where 40 Days for Life
began in 2004 -- the door-to-door campaign has
reached thousands of households and always generated
positive impact. That effect is being noted yet again
in this fall's local campaign.

"Pro-life advocates who were already aware of the 40
Days for Life campaign were even more excited to see
us at their doors," said one volunteer. One man in
particular laughed as he noted a Halloween display
right next to a 40 Days for Life yard sign, which
suggests that this life-saving campaign is making
inroads with people who might not normally be at the
forefront of pro-life work.

Allison said the door-to-door campaign has helped
raise awareness for those who simply have not taken
notice of the issue in their towns and at the
national level. "Several people have asked for more
information simply because they feel they have not
heard enough about it," she said, "and admitted they
had not acknowledged it as a serious issue until we
approached them about it at their front doors."

There are, of course, a few who disagree. Erin found
this out when she knocked on a door and was greeted
by a man who told her that "babies are polluting the
planet and Planned Parenthood offers good
preventative services." Erin gave him some
information about Planned Parenthood that made him
think, and seeds were planted.

Another volunteer knocked on a woman's door and told
her the story of 40 days of prayer, fasting and
peaceful vigil. The woman ran inside and came back
with a 40-day prayer packet, something that has been
provided by a faith-based group for another 40-day
prayer effort (40 days of prayer is a biblical
concept; it's wonderful that others also embrace it).
She enthusiastically agreed to offer her prayers for
the campaign and learn more about 40 Days for Life
through the web site.

The door-to-door effort can also help strengthen
existing relationships within the pro-life community.
Robert saw a board member of a local pregnancy center
who was working in her garden as he passed through
her neighborhood. She expressed excitement about the
relationship that both the pregnancy center and the
local Coalition for Life share and without hesitation
asked about the 40 Days for Life yard signs she keeps
seeing all around town.

Yes, prayer at the abortion center or Planned
Parenthood location is crucial; this is where the
evil is centered, and this is where the prayerful
vigil must be focused.

But there are many people in your town who never
drive by those places who still need to know how
abortion is harming the community. And door-to-door
outreach helps to bring that message home --

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