Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ground Zero Report - Day 10 (Part 2) - [10.03]

Here's a report of what went on Friday morning (Oct. 3rd) at the mill: I arrived around 8:30. I helped Nicole with the sidewalk counselling in front of 65 Bank St. We soon spotted a young woman who, as it turnsout, was going in for an abortion. We spoke to her for about 20 minutes, but that wasn't enough to change her mind. She went in anyway. Then, a young girl, probably around 15 showed up with her friend. Her boyfriend was already waiting for her. We approached them, but they hurried past us and into the clinic. At least they took some of the literature. I handed brochures to a few women going in. You never know if they're going to other businesses or not, but there's not harm in getting the information out. Around 10:00, an owner of another business in the building came up to me and angrily told me that we were interfering with her business. She said some of the women were bothered by us, and that we had followed them into the elevator. I guess I had gone quite close to the door in handing out some brochures, but I absolutely made sure not to go into the building. She said that she'd call the police if we continued to bother her clients. Just as she was leaving, a man came up to me saying he was the landlord of the building and said that he would also call the cops if he got more complaints. I assured him that we were respecting the law. I stayed in front of 65 Bank, but there was little activity around the entrance after that until two cops went in. A few minutes later, two more arrived and went in. Later on, the four of them came out, and gave me a friendly reminder that if we went through the door, they'd have to give us tresspassing tickets. Obviously, this harrassement means we are getting under people's skin. I want to thank the prayer warriors across the street keeping vigil during that time. I had such a peace in my heart; usually, in such situations, I am a nervous wreck. Let's keep it up, cracks are beginning to form in the foundations, let the walls come tumbling down! - Doris

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