Friday, October 24, 2008

Report from America - Day 31


I just got off the phone with Shawn Carney on our
national team who is in the midst of 40 Days for Life
visits to New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

He also just returned from visits to Michigan,
Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska.

Shawn gave me an electrifying report on what he is
experiencing at all these sites, and fortunately I
was able to audio record the call so I could share it
with you.

During this 17-minute high-energy update, you will
also hear a deeply touching story of something that
happened to Shawn earlier today related to a special
needs child and the Special Olympics. Powerful.

Before doing anything else, take a quick listen to
Shawn's amazing update at:

Since well before this fall's 40 Days for Life
campaign began, I've been saying this is a critical
time for the United States.

It seems it is also a critical time for the entire
world, judging by the fact that two local campaigns
are under way in Canada, and I am receiving notes of
support from all around the globe.

Here are just a few...

There is much pro-life fervor evident in Latin
America. Monica in Mexico City sent greetings and
thanks to everyone participating in 40 Days for Life,
asking God to "bless this campaign and all people
involved. You have my prayers with all of you!"

"I live in Guatemala," wrote Geraldine, "but I am so
grateful for the 40 Days for Life campaign. I will be
accompanying you in prayer." Geraldine notes that a
number of nations in Latin America are being pressed
to legalize abortion. "Mexico has already begun
falling into it, and Ecuador is faced with the
approval of its pro-abortion constitutional
amendment. But God has raised up soldiers to fight in
Christ's name all over the world."

In Puerto Rico, Brunhilda has been praying and
fasting. "We have also spread the word among
Christians from different churches and they joined us
in our prayers to end abortions," she wrote. "Keep
going and God bless you all!"

There are signs of hope in Europe. Gabriella wrote to
salute her 81-year-old mother, who taught religion in
Hungary for many years. "We started praying and
fasting together for 40 Days for Life," she said,
"and now she is organizing two praying groups in

And there is breaking news coming out of Northern
Ireland. We had received numerous requests for prayer
for this country, where 40 Days for Life vigils were
conducted in the spring. Abortion is not legal in
Northern Ireland, however there was an aggressive
effort to extend the United Kingdom's abortion law to
Northern Ireland to legalize the barbaric practice.

Eric Scheidler, the leader of the current 40 Days for
Life campaign in Aurora, Illinois was there on the
ground in Northern Ireland with Bernadette Smyth, the
leader of the previous 40 Days for Life campaign, who
organized a massive rally in Belfast on Saturday.

Following the rally, Eric e-mailed me this report:

"Victory in Northern Ireland! The U.K. Parliament in
Westminster chose NOT to impose abortion on Northern
Ireland. They could see that such a move would
endanger the fragile political situation there."

Praise the Lord!

In the Pacific region, many of the cultural
indicators Americans are concerned with are also
being noted in New Zealand, where Sue Rowe has been
working to organize a 40 Days for Life effort.

"All these pointers have brought abortion back into
the public's attention," she told the New Zealand
Catholic newspaper. "With all these things tying
together, now is the time."

"Thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity
to be involved in 40 Days for Life," said Fe in the
Philippines. "God is so good! I know and I trust that
with this worldwide effort, abortion will finally end
in America and throughout the world!"

Isn't it amazing what God has done with the tiny
seeds that were planted just four short years ago
with the first 40 Days for Life campaign in Texas?


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