Friday, September 5, 2008

Vigil Schedule Sign Up

To sign up for the vigil, send us the following information:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Church / Group
  • Number of Persons
  • E-Mail Address
  • Dates & Times You or Your Group Will Be Participating In The Vigil
Send the above information to us here.

The Vigil is located at the Morgentaler Abortion Mill:
(close to Parliament Hill)
Ottawa, Ontario

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will get a beautiful cloth which in the game if we want to need the beautiful cloth, we can use our own Scions Of Fate gold to buy. The one I owned on my character is one of my friends sent to me the necessary SOF gold. Sometimes we can share the trophy as the necessary Scions Of Fate money together, and we do quest together. I do not have enough confidence and cheap SOF gold about my weak memory. First I have to buy sof gold to improve my pet which I have a lovely leopard in this game.
When I begin to play this Seal Online game, I first go to buy seal online cegel to buy some my favorite and beautiful clothes to dress up my character. I have spent cheap seal cegel to buy my favorite cloth. I mean we have anime and some necessary seal online cegel based games that do not look really kid dish. Though I will admit with my own seal cegel I went crazy on leveling with DECO. Some of the skills that we can use our sealonline cegel to improve to look amazing, and are fun to just watch honestly.