Friday, September 26, 2008

Ground Zero Report - Day 3 [09.26]

I arrived at the abortion mill around 8:30 am and there were already 6 people praying. Before long, a couple entered the building and seemed to be having a lively discussion. The woman pointed to us a few times. They went into the elevator. A few minutes later, the man left the building alone. It seemed quite obvious they were going to the clinic. During the two and a half hours I was there, I saw 4 other couples enter the building and take the elevator. There was also a group of three women who went in, looking around nervously, as if to make sure they were at the right place. Two of the three later left the building. A bit later, a young woman, looking nervously at us, practically ran into the building. Then, three other women came, also checking around to see if they had the right place. One of them actually openend the door to the bath house at 63 Bank. They then asked a passerby, and went into 65 Bank. A few minutes before I was to leave, the two women from the first group came back to the clinic. After a bit, they came out and sat on the bench just in front. As I left, I felt I just couldn't go without saying something, so I went over and mentioned to them that their friend was going to need a lot of support, that abortion causes great distress and that we were there to help. One of them was quite receptive to what I told them. I hope I am wrong, but from what I saw, 8 babies might have been aborted this morning. We need to pray! Thanks for all your hard work! God bless! - Doris


I wanted to let you know about three things which happened during our watch this afternoon (3:45 - 5:15). Before I do, I suspect you know there are more people showing up at times than are scheduled - which is great. When we arrived, there were an estimated 10 others and this number varied down to about 4 at one point and then rose again before we left. It certainly is nice having the extra company. First pleasant occurrence was a lady walking by who said 'Thank-you' in our direction several times. Second, a young man stopped at the edge of the road and began a conversation with one of the vigil keepers sitting on the bench. He indicated his partner had had an abortion and he was feeling some discomfort/guilt. After they chatted for a minute or two, she took him to Fr. McEvoy who happened to be keeping vigil at the time. The young man and Fr. McEvoy spent 30-40 minutes together. Fr. McEvoy said the man spoke and he listened.Third, a gentleman approached us and addressed Fr.McEvoy (as he was with his collar and black suit). He wanted to know what we were doing. He had spotted us from the McDonald's restaurant. He was from Elliot Lake and his wife was a Catholic school trustee attending a national Catholic trustee conference at the Crowne Plaza hotel. He was excited to hear what were doing and said he would tell his wife and come back to spend some time with us. His wife was also head of the local Right to Life group. He also asked about the March for Life which they missed this year (first time in several years). He and his wife have organized the Life Chain in Elliot Lake for 17 years. A few minutes after he departed, a couple approached and sat down with us. She was a Catholic trustee attending the conference and her husband was with her. They were from Edmonton. They asked about what we were doing, asked if there was a buffer zone around the abortion mill (as there is in Edmonton), where else the 40 Days campaign was taking place, and so on. They were very supportive and, I believe, impressed.That is a lot of activity to pack into 90 minutes! God was working His wonders. - David

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