Friday, September 19, 2008

Event Update - Sept.19

1) KICK OFF RALLY - The 40 Days for Life Kick-off Rally will take place between 7 and 9 PM on Parliament Hill on next Tuesday September 23rd. There will be speeches, music and much more. It will end with a candlelight Procession from Parliament Hill to the Abortion facility where the 40-day-around-the-clock vigil will begin. This will be a truly awesome event!


Be sure to come out to hear Joe Zambon, a young Catholic musician who will be there on Parliament Hill to provide some musical entertainment. Check out his website to listen to his awesome music, and be sure to support our young Christian artists:

2) BEING HUMAN: This Sunday night at 9:00 pm, EWTN TV will air a special documentary on 40 Days for Life campaign entitled “being HUMAN: 40 Days for Life II”. It includes interviews with leaders such as Fr. Frank Pavone, former abortionists and others on how 40 Days for Life is renewing hope across North America. If you don’t have a cable reception, you can view EWTN live on the Internet via this link:

BEING HUMAN (the original version) can be viewed here:

3) LATE NIGHT COUNSELL: Nicole Campbell, our Campaign Director, will be on Late Night Counsell with CFRA 580AM Radio host, John Counsell. She will be on the program next Wednesday September 24 from 10pm-midnight. Don’t miss it and spread the word!

4) RELEASE THE POWER OF THE BLOG! Throughout the Campaign, I encourage you all to check the blog regularly to read about the experiences and accounts from vigil participants. I will be videotaping the Kick Off Rally and the Procession from Parliament Hill on Sept. 23. You can also keep up to date on the vigil schedule so you know when we need help in filling in the time slots. The side menu also has many other resources and important links like pro-life prayers, apologetic resources and much more!

5) VIGIL SCHEDULE: You hoo! Over here. That’s right a little closer…little closer….Have I got your attention? Good. You need to sign up for a few more hours. And/Or you need to recruit more family and friends. Lots of slots to fill, not much time to do it. Pay particular attention to Sept. 24 and 25.

6) WEATHER: Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather. Bring an umbrella with you if the forecast calls for rain.

7) BATTLE BEGINS: The battle against abortion has always been a spiritual battle. Before anything happens in the political realm or even the educational realm, we must remove the spiritual blindness that covers the hearts of men and women. Abortion exists as the great anti-sacrifice of our time, the fruit of unrestrained indulgence. And so we need to counter that with prayer, fasting, and a very healthy dose of sacrifice. Sacrifice vs. Anti-Sacrifice. It’s that simple. That’s where the battle is at. Abortion will never be overcome without penance and sacrifice and that’s what this campaign is all about. So, in the early hours in the morning, through the cold, the rain, through the occasional insult, sometimes alone, sometimes with others, always surrounded by the heavenly angelic host, we engage in the most important battle that has ever been waged in the history of mankind - the battle for life itself.

Perhaps it will take many years for some political movement to breakthrough, but we’re making the eternal investment now to bring it about. Perhaps some of us won’t taste the fruit of our sacrifices this side of heaven, but at the very least we’ll all be able to say to those aborted children who didn’t make it: we were there because we loved you; we were your witnesses, we offered the sacrifice that was denied to you. And for those who did make it because of God working through us, they and their posterity are our triumph and reward.

So we now fight the hell that awaits the unborn in Morgentaler’s Mill. We pray, we fast, we make reparation, we counter the indulgence of the age. Sadly, many have let our pleas for support go in one ear and out the other. I pity them who have to give an account on the Last Day.
But for us, we answered the call so the time is here.

Ring the Church Bell.

And let’s get it on.

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