Prayer to End Abortion
Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself Never to be silent, Never to be passive, Never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, And never to stop defending life
Rescue the Pre-born
O God of Beginnings, You are the Creator of all life. As we begin this week, be near us as we unite with our Pre-born brothers and sisters who are scheduled for death. May you by your Holy Spirit and by the voice of your church lead your people to rescue from death the innocent children and bring those who participate in their death to true repentance that they may taste of your goodness and mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Spiritual Warfare
Almighty and Powerful God, drive all evil spirits away from the innocent Pre-born children and from the killing centers where their destruction is planned. Overcome evil with good in the hearts of those who reject your truth and who have believed the lies of the evil one who would say that good is evil and evil is good. Rebuke the enemy for the sake of innocent children and for your sake, Oh Lord; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Kingdom Prayer
Oh Great King of Kings, let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven for the sanctity of all human life. You have said that your Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Where there is unrighteousness let righteousness come to bear, where there is hostility, cause your peace to reign supreme, where there is sorrow, bring joy in the hearts of people. Lead us into your unshakable and everlasting kingdom in which you reign forever and ever that truly the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
For Forgiveness
Oh God of mercy and grace, as you hung on the hard wooden cross, you asked that those who were putting you to death might be forgiven. Please, Oh Lord, help us to offer that same forgiveness to those who participate in abortion, euthanasia, the destruction of embryonic life and who by other means violate the sanctity of human life, that in all things the world would know the height, the depth, the breadth, and width of your love, your mercy and your grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Restoration of the Holiness and Protection of the Womb
Oh Holy God, our Rock and our Fortress, you used the womb of Mary to be a tabernacle for the dwelling of the Incarnation, where the Holy Son of God was to be nurtured and protected. You created the womb of woman that the miracle of human life might be nurtured and protected. Many women have been deceived to believe that their womb is not a place of holy protection for a human life, but that it is simply another appendage of their body. Renew and restore your purpose and will concerning the womb of all women throughout the earth, that you may be glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
For Governments
Oh Ruler of the nations, many of the kings of the earth have set themselves against you; they rebel against your rule. Yet you have set your King on your holy hill of Zion so that in every local, state, provincial and national government you would rule in the midst of your enemies. We pray that you would strengthen and uphold those rulers that, by your grace, are following your ways and purpose. Make your enemies a footstool for your feet, that all people in all nations would kiss the Son, so they may know that happy are those who take refuge in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, forever and ever. Amen
For an End to Abortion
Oh God, who is the Beginning and the End, hear our prayers as we cry out to you to end the merciless shedding of innocent blood in our nation and throughout the world. Through death you have conquered death and through your life we experience eternal and everlasting life. Cause life to spring forth in the hearts of all people and bring forth a love and respect for life that will dominate our culture. May your kingdom and church apprehend and overtake the culture of death that has prevailed through deceit and selfishness; may the Seed of the woman crush the head of the serpent through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
By Fr. Frank Pavone
Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
Let us pray for mothers and fathers who are in agony because they are tempted to abort a child. May they be given the good news that there are alternatives, and may they make use of the help that is available.
The Scourging
As Christ's flesh was torn by the instruments of those who scourged Him, so the bodies of babies in the womb are torn by the instruments of the abortionists. Let us pray that abortionists may repent of these acts of child-killing.
The Crowning With Thorns
Jesus suffered the pain of thorns in His head, and did so silently. We pray for the mothers and fathers of aborted children. So many of them suffer deep grief and regret over a choice they can never reverse. So many suffer in silence, because others tell them it's no big deal.
The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus was not condemned by the power of wicked people. He was condemned because of the silence of good people. Silence always helps the oppressor, never the victim. Let us pray that we may never be silent about abortion, but rather will clearly speak up to save babies from death.
The Crucifixion
As we ponder the death of Christ, let us remember the many women who have died from so-called "safe, legal" abortions. Let us ask forgiveness and mercy for them. May their memory save other women from making this tragic mistake.
Meditations for Pro-Life Stations of the Cross
The First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death
Though innocent, Jesus is condemned by the power of the State. In like manner, our innocent brothers and sisters in the womb have been condemned. Their rights and dignity are not recognized. In this, they bear a special likeness to Jesus.
The Second Station: Jesus is Made to Bear His Cross
The salvation of the world carried a heavy price for our Lord, the agony of the cross. As He accepts His cross, let us also resolve to endure suffering that others may live. Let us pay the price for standing up for our preborn brothers and sisters.
The Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time
Almighty God was weak because He chose to be like us. He had power and glory from all eternity, yet He chose to be immersed in the world of suffering. We pray that the benefits and advantages we have in life may not cause us to forget our pre-born brothers and sisters.
The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother
There is no deeper relationship than that of mother and child. They belong together. When one suffers, the other suffers. To love and defend one means to love and defend the other. To be pro-life means to serve both the child and the mother. It means to ask our society, "Why can't we love them both?"
The Fifth Station: The Cyrenian Helps Jesus to Carry His Cross
Many watched the Lord suffer. Simon the Cyrenian helped alleviate that suffering. Many lament abortion. Some actually get involved to help to stop it. We pray that all people may take their active place in the pro-life movement.
The Sixth Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
The compassion Veronica shows reflects the compassion of so many medical doctors and nurses, who treat their patients with dignity. We pray for repentance and renewal in the medical profession. May the tools and skills meant for healing nevermore be used for killing.
The Seventh Station: Jesus Falls the Second Time
In working to defend life, there are many setbacks and obstacles. Yet we know the meaning of the cross. In weakness, power reaches perfection. We do not look to our own strengths and talents alone, but to Christ. His own strength will sustain us.
The Eighth Station: Jesus Speaks to the Women of Jerusalem
Christ told these women to weep for themselves and for their children. He does not want false worship, but repentance. He does not want followers who cry out to Him but then ignore injustice and bloodshed. May all who believe in Christ likewise stand up for the defenseless children.
The Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time
Despite the falls, nothing can stop our Lord, because He is on a mission of love. If the pro-life movement is not a movement of love, it is nothing at all, but if it is a movement of love, then nothing will stop it. Love is stronger than death, more powerful than hell.
The Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
Nobody can stop us form loving our preborn brothers and sisters. Those stronger than we may strip us of popularity, possessions, or power, but they cannot strip us of love. We love others with the same love that Christ showed for us.
The Eleventh Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
The powers of this world crucified the God who made this world. All power and authority come from God. All who exercise power have to account for it before the throne of God. We pray that those in government may use their powers to protect the innocent babies in the womb.
The Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross
Our Lord died. So many of His children have died with Him. His passion is re-lived with every abortion, one every twenty seconds in our country. We only know a fraction of the horror of this act in the sight of God. We only know a fraction of the horror of Christ's crucifixion. May all our brothers and sisters killed by abortion rest in Christ's peace and be saved by His cross.
The Thirteenth Station: Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
Mary experienced the pain of holding her dead Son. So many mothers grieve after their abortions. We ask that Mary may comfort them, help them face the truth about abortion, and lead them to forgiveness and healing.
The Fourteenth Station: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
A tomb is a memorial. It helps us remember the one who can no longer speak. May we and our society remember the babies who cannot speak. May we also remember Our Lord's Resurrection, and His promise of eternal life. He has conquered abortion because He has conquered death. May we bring His victory to every part of our world!
Divine Mercy
The Holy Father has given a new gift to the pro-life movement.
You have likely seen the picture of Jesus standing with his hand pointed to his heart, from which red and pale rays emanate. The words "Jesus, I trust in you" are at the bottom. This image represents the devotion to Divine Mercy, based on revelations given to St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938). The image itself was revealed to her, as was the "Chaplet of Divine Mercy," in which we pray the following words:"Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and
Fast Day Prayer to Our Mother
Dear Mother,
In answer to your pleading for prayer and sacrifice, I dedicate this day entirely to you. Pray for me and with me that I may persevere and give you a holy fast. I offer this day for all of the intentions in your Immaculate Heart. In particular, I wish to pray and fast for these intentions which are also your own: in thanksgiving for the Holy Eucharist; in reparation for all the sins and offenses against Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; for the perseverance and sanctification of our priests; for the gift of many vocations to the priesthood.
I place these and all of my intentions in your motherly protection.
Immaculate Mother, God has entrusted the entire order of mercy to you. I ask you to take me as your child. Make of me whatever pleases you the most. Use me to help fulfill your mission, to help extend the message of the Gospel and to assist as many as possible toward eternal salvation.
Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.
My Mother, My Confidence.
Lord, God,
may this day of fasting and penance open my heart to you, to my sisters and brothers, and to the beauty of all you have created.
May it help me to use everything with reverence and without selfishness.
May my willing act of renouncement become within me an announcement of reverence for life.
May it help to free me from the burden of sin.
May today be marked with intense recollection, a humble review of life, and a more generous charity.
May Mary help me to cultivate an authentic penitential spirit which will foster in me a deep respect for all of creation and a heart that is always open to God's will and plan for myself, the world, and for humanity.
Distributed with the permission of
Our Lady’s Missionaries of the Eucharist
640 East Main Street
Birdsboro, PA 19508
Our Lady, Untier of KnotsHoly Mary, full of the presence of God, during your life you accepted with great humility the holy will of the father and the legacy of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and evil never dared to entangle you with its confusion. Since then you have interceded for all of our difficulties as you did at the wedding feast of Cana. With all simplicity and with patience, you have given us an example of how to untangle the knots in our complicated lives. By being our mother forever you arrange and make clear the path that unites us to Our Lord.
Holy Mary, Mother of God and ours, with your maternal heart, untie the knots that upset our lives. We ask you to receive into your hands (here mention your prayer request) and deliver us from the chains and confusion that restrain us. Blessed Virgin Mary, through your grace, your intercession and by your example, deliver us from evil, and untie the knots that keep us from being united to God. So that free of all confusion and error, we may find him in all things, keep him in our hearts, and serve him always in our brothers and sisters. Mother of Good Counsel pray for us.
Source: http://www.maryundoerofknots.com/
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