Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ground Zero Report - Day 5 [09.28]


My vigil hour in front of the Morgentaler abortuary was scheduled for eight o'clock this morning. As I approached Bank Street after leaving the Queensway, there were a few dozen police officers standing on the sidewalk. Their motorcyles were parked on the road nearby. I did what people generally do when they see police - I slowed down. Immediately, after I drove by, I thought, "Wow! I hope all the police officers read my pro-life bumper stickers!" In white lettering on a bright green background, the two signs read as follows: (1) "Abortion kills babies, wounds Mothers, and hardens hearts"; (2) "Real men don't pressure women to abort". Located at a higher level on my hatchback door, was the pro-life sticker, "40 Days For Life".

At approximately twenty minutes before nine, many pollice vehicles passed by the "40 Days For Life" witnessing area. There were cars, vans, and buses transporting police officers. Where were they going? They were on their way to Parliament Hill to pay tribute to their comrades who died in the line of duty. As the police officers stood on Parliament Hill, I wondered how many of them remembered the aborted babies who have died, not as victims in the line of duty, but as victims of convenience.
- Sister Pamela Bennett, CSJ


Congratulations to whoever wrote on the back of the large (old) Family Coalition Party sign "65 Bank Street is a Abortion Facility". I have been doing the night shift at the Vigil these past few days, but today, Sunday, my wife and I went up in the afternoon for an hour. I held that sign and many who read it stopped and looked for the number 65 after reading it. The Forty Days for Life Vigil is certainly drawing attention to what is going on a block from the Parliament of Canada.

Today was also the Annual Memorial Police Service on Parliament Hill (which in past years I have participated in). However, this year I decided to save my energy for the 40 Days for Life and was very proud after some of the Police Service Officers passing the Vigil gave us the thumbs up sign. - Frank

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