Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Report from America: Abortion Mill Shutting Down

I have a VERY important announcement at the end of this
message, but first some GREAT news!

On a day when many are stressed about elections, I just
heard from one of our 40 Days for Life local campaign
leaders who is bouncing off the walls with the exciting
news that the abortion facility that was the focus of
their campaign over these last 40 days is CLOSING!!

The "Space Available" real estate sign was put in front
of the building on Thursday -- day 37 of the campaign.
Yesterday, the local leader confirmed with the real
estate company that the abortionist is shutting the
business down for good.

We will have more details, including the location, as
soon as the facility is closed -- which should happen
very soon. But I knew you'd want to know that your
prayers have produced an amazing result!

And another INCREDIBLE victory: as reports continue to
roll in from around the country about the impact of the
40 Days for Life campaign that just ended, the number
of confirmed lives saved during the 40 days is...


This number surpasses the previous total for all
earlier 40 Days for Life campaigns COMBINED!

The total number of lives saved through 40 Days for
Life, from 2004 in College Station, Texas, through
today, has now topped 1,000. Amazing, isn't it?

Let's praise the Lord for what He has done!

And, speaking of victories...

...The 2008 elections will be decided TODAY.

We all need to pray, fast, and do everything we can to
ensure pro-life victories at every level -- federal,
state, and local.

Right now, our entire family is actually at a local
campaign headquarters here in Florida, helping with the
"Get Out The Vote" effort.

After voting for life today, please do everything you
can to help get every other pro-life person you know to
get out and vote.

The stakes have never been higher.

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