Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dispatch from Ground Zero - Nov.13

I was at the clinic this a.m. for the 8 to 9 shift. Shortly after I arrived I noticed a police car blocking bank street at Wellington. Then another police car came and blocked the other corner near the abortion clinic. That police man was blocking people from walking down the side of the street the clinic was on. Then I noticed my side of the street was almost empty too except for a handful of people. It felt very errie and I felt uncomfortable enough that I left. I do not know what the problem was. Even the clinic was odd this a.m. because the only one that I saw go in was the clinic manager. - Maggie

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I was at ground zero 9-11am and 12-1pm. I do not know why the street was closed but did hear rumor of an emergency exercise. The clients of 65 Bank street were not detered, I saw about 8 that I could tell of. I talk with a journalism student from Carleton who was unaware of the mills existance. It was very wet and cold and makes me wonder if Canadians can support a 40 days in February?