Monday, November 3, 2008

Closing Rally Report

Tonight was the official ending of the 40 Days for Life Campaign in Ottawa. Close to 500 people attended tonight's rally and they heard special guest speakers, Archbishop Prendergast of Ottawa and Debbie Fisher from Silent No More Awareness Campaign. After the speeches, the vigilers processed by candlelight from the Abortion Mill to St. Patrick's basilica for Mass and a Reception. The Basilica was packed, to say the least.

Over the last 40 days, some 750 vigilers braved the rain, wind, cold, snow, and sleepless nights to witness to the Dignity of the unborn. Some of us were violently assaulted; and many of us were verbally abused. But we did not return the insult and we didn't raise our hand. We remained in solidarity with the unborn in their silent holocaust, and, as a result, the sacred cows of the pro-abortion propaganda were exposed. Many people were touched and a few were converted. The reverberations of this campaign are hard to assess. Certainly, the stats were very impressive indeed:

Number of Participants: 750
Blogged Stories: 70
Consecutive Hours: 960
Babies Saved: 3 (minimum)
Volunteers: 60
Volunteer Hours: 2000
Abortion Mill Disruption: Very High

But the real progress will not be known for some time, if ever, since it is often hidden - hidden in peoples hearts as the seed of life is planted within them only to bear fruit at a later date in God's providence. And still, even if we don't know these particular victories on this side of heaven, we know that babies were saved, hearts were changed and moved, and we all became better persons for it. Not only did the Campaign convert others; it converted us.

While I was praying outside the Mill around 2AM on Saturday morning (and accompanied by at least 12 other people), I got the strange sense that while we shook things up at the Mill while we were there over the last 40 days, the final boot is going to fall now that the campaign is over. Not sure why this is since we won't have the same kind of presence, but I just think that is what's going to happen.

Tonight as the reception was ending, a lady approached me and she told me of a dream she had the night before. She said that in the dream, she was holding a small baby in her hand. She thought the baby was not alive, but then noticed that it was breathing slightly. She turned her gaze away in the dream and then looked back at her hand, where she now saw the baby in pieces. The message of the dream? What we've done is giving life and hope to the unborn, but if we stop, the heinous evil of abortion will resume and continue in this culture of death. We must not let this happen, and that's why we must continue the vigil in some fashion. Please pray for the leaders of the 40 Days for Life Campaign and for Nicole Campbell, in particular, that God will continue to use her in the front lines of the abortion wars in this country.

On behalf of the 40 Days for Life Organizing Committee and Campaign Life, I wish to extend our deepest gratitude to all those people who volunteered in the parishes to promote this at the church level. We also want to thank the Archbishop for his support and encouragement. And finally, we want to thank the prayer warrior vigilers who stuck it out these past 40 days, 24/7 around the clock. Your witness will only be truly rewarded on the other side of eternity. In honour of your dedication and commitment, here is a small tribute video just For You, while just below that, I've posted some pictures and videos from tonight's closing rally.

God Bless You All. And let's keep it going.

John Pacheco
40 365 Days For Life


Debbie Fisher, Silent No More:

Nicole Campbell and Debbie Fisher (Part 1)

Nicole Campbell and Debbie Fisher (Part 2)


Unknown said...

Great photos, John

Suzanne said...

Congratulations on all your hard work, John. I wish I could have gotten out more. It's just a little hard with a little one at home.

This definitively had an impact.

Ricky Martin said...

The last photo is awesome.